December 17, 2013

About "The Dream" of My Fantasy World

                Everyone have their own fantasy world. Like when they become the superhero or where there’s a perfect world without crime and Borneo is green still. Something that they can hope for, something people dream about.
                I, too, have my own fantasy world. A world where everything is normal. Beckham still the football king of England along with Cantona, Jakarta’s street still filled with commuters coming from all over small town nearby, and Joan Rivers still have an agenda for lips pumping appointment.
No need for a fucking unicorn or spaghetti everywhere or naked chicks always there on my bed whenever I want to. That’s not “the dream”. Those things are overrated and it will be a chaotic-ending kind of fantasy.

The only thing that could ever be a fantasy is when my plan works well.  
                It will not ever be “just” that. I always have a plan. It’s just a daily routine. I keep things simple, I know what I wanna do at which hour and I will do it. If even I didn’t do it, I can always handle with a backup plan.

                Me and my plan always works well. Things are getting worse when people came in or  I invited them (on purpose or not it doesn’t matter, being social is irresistable). Some people just can’t cooperate. The most annoying people is the one who wasn’t invited by me with purpose and however think they have the rights to know.

                Well.. Just a simple fantasy world where my plan works well, daily ones not like a future what not, without any obstruction. I just want time and people that is inside my plan (somehow) to be good to me. Now, that’s “the dream”.