March 8, 2014

After A Dozen of Romance Movies

                We never know when we lost until we knock to our heart and ask where. Stupidest thing any being would ever think is to find something in a place they don’t belong. You know where you belong when you do knock it and ask again.

                Sickness is not ever a reason for a delay. Moving forward and saying the only thing you want is hard, but that’s important. If we ever shiver, if our heart beats faster than it should, maybe it’s the way our body procces when it comes to the important part.

                It’s always classic, nothing modern about falling in love. The fact that earth’s creative industry never found a new problem to expose to the eyes of a moviegooers, means that it’s true. Law of love can’t be renewed. It will be fake, then.

                As far as we walk in the wrong path, the end will be always true. Yes, it hurts a lot. Of course, your head spins. And it’s totally okay to assume both will happen, it always happen. Even when we reach the end, boredom will hit us. Amazement fade away.

                Being scared is foolish. Blaming others isn’t right. We walk wrongly doesn’t mean we’re not ready. Life span is short when all we think is the result when we reach the end.

               Be decent, be stupid, be outrageous, be naked, be a dork, be anything you thought you needed to be. Also get laid, get drunk, get an award, catch the adventure. It’ll wax off your problem. Yes, of course, painfully. Since you know it’ll be clean afterwards, why not?

                Interaction with other human being is overrated and expensive, too mainstream. Something no normals can avoid. No one can blame us, it’s human nature. We created with flaw as our father and his father before him. Love do kills, don’t pretend like you don’t know that.

                Have we, the entire human race, lost in the sea of others? Knock again and ask where, because we might be stupid enough and don’t realize that we’re already there.