September 4, 2013

Stop Populating, Please

                The fact that this world never really need this much human, make me feel appropriate to say that death is a celebration of life. One thing I know of being an Indonesian, death of (mostly) old people are celebrated by many tribes. One among all is one of my own tribe (since I have so many in one blood), Batak.  I, myself, feel so happy when my grandma was dead. If you’re imagining happy like when I watch Chelsea won the Champions League, then you’re wrong. I’m happy because I feel relieved.  This world not just need a space, but really need a big space. I know that 9 billion people in the world feels too much because they stuck in big towns where everything is there to be work with. Nobody wants to live in a forest, abandoned from a great life called the internet.
Transmigration is an old idea, a very old idea. A good idea now is don’t fuck and stop making kids.
All I’m saying is to you married legally people, an experience to have a kid is overrated, and unmarried illegal pregnant ladies, just stop fucking with your boyfriend and runaway before he makes you pregnant again.
One other program that is also old and overrated is (in our country) “keluarga berencana” or “Planned Family” (not sure of the literal translation, not googled btw). If by “planned” the government mean programming your sex to make one best kid you could possibly have and educate them to be good human being that this world needs, then it would work.

Please just remember these words: One is more than enough, people. Because enough is what you already have with your couple.